What to Ask a Gun Crimes Attorney if You’re Charged with Firearms Possession in Tijuana

What to Ask a Gun Crimes Attorney if You’re Charged with Firearms Possession in Tijuana

Have you ever wondered why Mexico has one of the highest yearly gun death tolls of any country despite having some of the toughest gun laws in the world? One of the main reasons pertains to the flow of guns from the United States into Mexico. Unfortunately, American firearms are used in countless homicides committed by…

Protecting Pesos: 3 Factors That Determine How Criminal Justice Attorneys Handle Money Laundering Cases in Tijuana, Mexico

Protecting Pesos: 3 Factors That Determine How Criminal Justice Attorneys Handle Money Laundering Cases in Tijuana, Mexico

Have you ever wondered how criminals buy things using the proceeds of a crime without the authorities finding out? The answer’s simple—they process black money to disguise its illegal origin through a process known as money laundering. Money laundering is prevalent in places like Tijuanawhere Mexico’s infamous cartels carry out organized crime operations. In response, Mexico…

Facing Criminal Charges in Tijuana, Mexico? Here’s Why It’s Worth Speaking to a Criminal Lawyer before Local Authorities

Facing Criminal Charges in Tijuana, Mexico? Here’s Why It’s Worth Speaking to a Criminal Lawyer before Local Authorities

Facing criminal charges in a foreign country is a harrowing experience—and Mexico is no exception. If you don’t speak Spanish or understand Mexican laws, you could find yourself under duress before you know it. But if you think the best way out of this situation is to speak with local authorities before criminal defense lawyers, think…

What Kinds of Cases Does a Child Abuse Crimes Attorney Typically Handle in Tijuana, Mexico?

What Kinds of Cases Does a Child Abuse Crimes Attorney Typically Handle in Tijuana, Mexico?

If we ask you what constitutes child abuse, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Chances are you’re thinking of physical violence against children. But did you know child abuse can also be mental? For instance, sending sexually explicit materials to children and influencing them to engage in morally questionable behavior are both examples…

Should You Stay Silent Before Calling a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Tijuana?

Should You Stay Silent Before Calling a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Tijuana?

Do you know what Miranda rights are under US law? If you’ve ever seen a cop arrest someone in the United States, you’ve probably heard a few lines! The first line of the Miranda rights reads “you have the right to remain silent; anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of…

Why Purchasing Cheaper Prescription Drugs Can Get You Jailed In Mexico

Why Purchasing Cheaper Prescription Drugs Can Get You Jailed In Mexico

America is renowned for its extremely high prices for medicinal and prescription drugs. The average cost of eligible drugs in the country is over $4,500 a month, while the same drugs can be found at almost half the price in neighboring Mexico. However, bargain hunters south of the border might end up spending some unexpected time…